I get real excited when I come up with an easy, quick recipe that uses barely any ingredients and is a new, interesting flavor! It’s the holy grail of AIP batch cooking. I brought these on-the-go this weekend – to a show and then also as a pre-5k breakfast. I didn’t want to share them, and I usually love sharing food, so obviously it’s a winning recipe.


This weekend was insanely beautiful. We only get purty weather as often as a hipster turns down a vegan cheez burrito (aka never), so I refused to be inside. The farmer’s market is starting to have a lot more variety, and I get real turned on by varied produce. It doesn’t take much. We went back to the Peruvian rooftop restaurant/bar. I was feeling  adventurous and ordered a gin. I had brought my own Kombucha, and I was just going to enjoy it on the rocks, but I decided to go for it.


Well, I only drank 1/2 of the gin and still woke up feeling like butt. And swollen, lethargic, and expressionlss. My body hates alcohol. Like even attempting a smile today is too much work. I would much rather go to bed feeling good and wake up feeling awesome than enjoy the occasional beverage. Maybe later in life when my body isn’t under guerrila attack 24/7. Enough bitching – I’m happy to simply be alive and surrounded by my favorite things, namely my husband, dog, fresh food, and the outdoors. And my-size loaves of meat, but I guess that could be lumped into food.


Peach-Glazed Mini Meatloaves

Makes 10 mini loaves | Ready in 35 minutes

1 lb ground lamb (or beef, if you prefer)

1/3 cup finely chopped parsley

½ tsp sea salt

1 ½ cups diced peach

¾ tsp cinnamon

1 T coconut oil

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Take out a regular sized muffin tin.
  2. Mix together lamb, parsley and sea salt. Divide mixture between 10 regular sized muffin cups. Use your hands to spread the meat evenly into each cup, being sure to leave a shallow bowl in the center for the peach stuffing, about ½ inch deep.
  3. In a small saucepan set over medium-low heat, cook the peaches and cinnamon in the coconut oil for about 6-7 minutes until softened. Use a wooden spoon to mash the peach as it cook down, but be sure to leave some un-mashed chunks for texture.
  4. Top each meat bowl with the peach stuffing. Bake for 18-20 minutes until the lamb is cooked through and the cups begin to pull away from the edges of the pan. Let cool 5 minutes before serving.