Toasted Coconut Cream Pops


This was one of my favorite recipes to develop for The Healing Kitchen because all of the outtakes were so delicious! Toasted coconut ice cream was a favorite of mine growing up, and my best friend in high school and I would go to our local ice cream shop after school and grab a cup of their toasted coconut all the time! Ice cream has always been a big part of my life, as weird as it sounds to say that! It’s consistently remained in my top 5 favorite foods since the age of 2 (joined by steak, ribs, hummus, and pizza)  no matter what dietary protocol I happen to be following.


For awhile I thought I tolerated grass-fed dairy ice cream, but really it was a vain attempt to convince my stomach via my brain that I did. It failed. So now I stick wholly to coconut milk ice cream and enjoy to my hearts content, especially in the warmer months!


When making ice cream at home, I stick to simple flavors and use coconut milk, pureed white sweet potato, fresh fruit, and possibly some honey as the base. I may add something fun for texture such as freeze-dried fruit or even toasted shredded coconut or chocolate chips.


My favorite SUPER simple AIP ice cream combination is frozen mango pureed with coconut milk. You can eat it like soft serve straight from the blender or throw it in your ice cream maker (this is the one I use and recommend) for a harder sorbetto. The ice cream mixture for these cream pops can definitely be made into ice cream rather than pops, so feel free to do that as well!


These are such a refreshing treat – something the whole family will love – that’s decadent but not full of sweeteners!


TOASTED COCONUT CREAM POPS from my cookbook The Healing Kitchen